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Cadaver Lab 2: Ghostly Hearts & Body Parts

Cadaver Lab 2: Ghostly Hearts & Body Parts

A Rom Com

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 110+ 5-Star Reviews

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Ghost Gabe is back and so is book & wine shop owner Natalie and her hot grumpy doctor boyfriend Liam for more shenanigans in your favorite small town, Mudville.

Will Gabe find love beyond the grave? Will Natalie and Liam solve the mystery of the backyard bone? And who is the elusive ghost in Harper’s house and is she connected to the unexplained cryptic numbers scratched in the woodwork?

Find out in this darkly funny romp that takes the reader through life and love—before and after death—in a small town.

Cadaver Lab 2: Ghostly Hearts & Body Parts features a grumpy doctor hero who runs a cadaver lab, a bookstore owning amateur sleuth heroine who sees dead people, steamy romance (including for the ghosts!), small town shenanigans, mystery, murder & mayhem.

Liam stepped up close behind Natalie as she slammed the cash drawer closed after recording the day’s credit card receipts and cash sales.

It had been a good day. No more bones had been discovered or brought inside her shop. Considering that alone, today was better than yesterday.

Besides that, she’d made a killing in sales, in both wine and books. Possibly because the local gossip was currently all about the bone found buried behind the shop.

The town gossips and lookie-loos had all stopped by hoping for more information.

While they were there, they couldn’t help but pick up a few things, due in no small part to Jules’s keen sense for bringing in unique local merchandise on consignment. Not to mention Natalie’s obsession with having the shelves fully stocked with the newest and the best books and wine selection at all times.

And now, her hottie boyfriend was here and apparently feeling amorous as he ran his mouth down her throat while his hands pulled her hips back against him.

Luckily she wasn’t trying to count the change and small bills left in the cash drawer for the next morning or Liam would have totally thrown her off.

“Mmm. It’s six. Can I lock the door?” he growled low and hot against her ear, sending a tremor of need through her.

When had ears gone from being the source of gross wet willies to erogenous zones? Probably about the same time the males in her life changed from annoying boys to hot men.

She was about to tell him she’d already locked the door after he’d come inside so he could lure her into an early bedtime…

A mental record scratch filled her brain and cut her plans short as a memory hit.

“Ah, crud. I promised Harper I’d be at her place right after I closed tonight. She and her aunt are having a group over.”

She’d meant to tell him yesterday, but things had gotten a bit busy between the bone, the deputy and the coroner. Not to mention the locals—both living and dead—who hadn’t been able to resist the attraction of two official vehicles parked out front.

Liam groaned again but it was far less sensual this time. In fact, it sounded downright annoyed.

“Blow it off, whatever it is,” he suggested, turning her to face him.

“We’re meeting to talk about the bone. And since we still have no evidence of whom it belongs to, I can’t pass up an opportunity that might provide a lead. You could come with me,” she suggested hopefully.

“Uh. Yeah, no, thanks. And just because you can talk to the dead doesn’t mean you’re responsible for identifying any and all random body parts in the vicinity. Or solving any more murders. There are people whose job it is to do that kind of stuff,” he reminded, his mouth pulled to the side unhappily.

“I know, but since I do have a unique… advantage, I feel like I should help. You know?” She leaned in to press a kiss to his unyielding mouth before pulling back. “I don’t think this meeting will last long. I’ll probably be back in an hour. Two max. Wanna wait in the apartment for me?”

Liam sighed. “Fine. I have some articles saved on my phone I can read until you get home. Oh, and there’s a new documentary that just loaded I’m interested in.”

She’d often wondered if half of the appeal for Liam to hang out with her at her place was the upgraded streaming service offerings she’d indulged in after her unexpected windfall last year. But tonight, if it kept Liam happy until she got home, all the better.

“Thank you for understanding. You’re the best boyfriend ever. And the most handsome. And the sexiest.” She delivered each compliment with a quick kiss to his face and mouth.

If past experience was any guide, a happy Liam would result in a very happy Natalie later.

Just as her stroking of Liam’s ego had earned her a small, crooked smile from her pouty man, Gabe swooped inside through the locked door.

“Ready to go?” Gabe asked as he eyed how closely she and Liam were pressed together behind the cash register. “Or are you and lover boy aiming to get in a quickie before we leave?”

Natalie tried not to read too much into the fact that she had remembered to invite Gabe for tonight, something she didn’t dare let Liam know.

Gabe would be a useful companion at the Mudville Ladies Amateur Detective Society meeting. She also wanted to catch up with him on the walk to Harper’s place about what his interviews with the local ghosts had yielded.

His help she welcomed. His snarky comments about her and Liam’s sex life, not so much.

She turned and shot Gabe a scowl. “Yes, I’m ready to go, smart ass.”

Liam pulled back. “I take it we’re no longer alone.”

“Gabe just came in. He’s walking over to Harper’s with me.”

“Well, isn’t that nice.” Liam scowled, his comment dripping in sarcasm.

“It’s so cute when he’s jealous.” Gabe smirked.

He moved to pat Liam on the back even though, one, Liam couldn’t see or hear him and two, Gabe’s hand passed right through.

“Don’t worry, big guy. I’ll have her home at a decent hour.” Gabe’s condescending comment went unheard by Liam, who gave an involuntary shudder from the chill of Gabe’s ghostly fingers on his shoulder.

Natalie restrained herself from commenting to either one. The sooner she separated the two men—or rather the man and the ghost—the better.

“We’d better get going. Don’t wanna be late. See you soon.” She kissed Liam’s pout then added, “Love you.”

“Yeah. Love you too,” he mumbled then spun toward the back rooms of the old train depot that served as her apartment.

“Aw. He’s such a romantic.” Gabe clutched his hands to his heart then wiped one eye dramatically. “It brings a tear to my eye.”

“Oh, shut up,” she mumbled.

Keep reading CADAVER LAB 2 if you love:

  • Hot Grumpy Hero
  • Amateur Sleuth Heroine
  • Spirited Spirits
  • Quirky Small Towns
  • Old Haunted Houses
  • Century Old Mysteries
  • Fast-Paced, Feel-Good Reads

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This zany town and its cast of characters make me smile."

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "The whole Mudville gang (real and ghostly) is awesome and I always want to move there when I read these books!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I have fallen in love with these books and these characters...Everything about this book makes me smile"

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I laughed my way through most of the book while trying to figure out who done it."


Look Inside

The large bone, its white surface smeared with dirt from what was hopefully many long decades of being buried beneath the ground, didn’t seem as out of place as it should resting on the checkout counter at Once Upon a Vine Books & Wine.

That fact served as proof of how much the events of the past months had skewed Natalie Chase’s perception of normal.

“Liam, are you sure it’s…” Natalie swallowed hard as she glanced up at the tall, dark and handsome hunk of man next to her. “…human?”

As she asked the question Mr. Darcy, the shop’s resident feline, jumped up to examine the bone more closely. The black cat reached out one paw to poke at the object just as Liam shooed him away.

Once the bone was safe from the cat, Liam’s deep green gaze met hers from beneath the dark curl that always rested rakishly low on his brow. “No doubt. It’s a femur.”

Natalie had to believe him. Not only was he her boyfriend, he was a doctor and the founder of the Human Institute—also known as the cadaver lab—located next door.

As much as she wanted him to be mistaken, in spite of the certainty evident in the tone of his answer, chances were slim to none that he was wrong about this.

Surrounding her and Liam and the bone, the usual cast of characters from Natalie’s daily life had assembled.

There was Harper, a local author who was Natalie’s friend and ad hoc marketing adviser. Jules, the shop’s part-time employee. Jules’s constant companion Taco the chihuahua, whose bad habit of digging around the old train depot that housed the shop was responsible for the discovery of the femur. And then there was Gabe—the reason Natalie’s life had gotten weird enough that  she barely blinked over the human remains currently sitting next to the cash register in her shop.

After wrapping up her phone call to the Mudville sheriff’s department, Harper lowered her cell and moved closer to the group. “John answered the phone at the department. He said Carson’s already in town so he can be here in a couple of minutes.”

While they waited, Natalie intended to use the time to question Harper about what she’d said earlier. When Jules had walked in the door, bone in hand and Taco at her feet, Harper had said something to the effect of oh, no, not again.
Pinning her with a stare, Natalie asked, “What did you mean when you said, not again?”

“Last year some human bones surfaced in the pig pen at Morgan Farm,” Harper began.

Ignoring the fact that news had Natalie pressing three fingers against her lips to hold down the nausea that image caused, Harper continued, “Turns out one of the local women tossed her husband in the pig pen rather than pay for a burial.”

“No! That’s sick,” Jules said.

“Well, he had died on top of his mistress so…” Harper bobbed her head to the side with a half shrug.

Liam nodded. “Mmm. Can’t really blame her then, can you?”

“Oh, God,” Natalie groaned from behind her hand as visions of what pigs could do to a human body filled her mind and turned her stomach.

Liam pulled her closer and rubbed her back. “Just breathe, baby.”

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